These pancakes always taste best when you’ve made them yourself, don’t they? That’s why Frida was so enthusiastic when she was allowed to help in the kitchen in Friedenau on this Sunday morning. Sifting flour, beating eggs, adding some butter, milk and sugar – they tasted great! The fluffy pancakes of Sunday mornings are one of the traditions that Fridas mum Laura brought to Berlin with her when she came from her American homeland. Has it really been more than two months since I was allowed to accompany mum, dad and the two girls in Friedenau with their Sunday routine? After breakfast we grabbed spades, rakes and watering cans and went out to the backyard garden. Planting onions, watering, swinging, jumping rope. It’s wonderful to have such a small private garden right behind the house. Many thanks again to Laura and Lars for letting me give you a little insight into your Sunday morning. It was great fun to accompany you. But now off you go!


Do you wish for photos of your everyday life in the family, on a Sunday morning, at a pancake breakfast or while gardening together? Then I look forward to hearing from you. Call me or send me a message!